ANC in KZN distances itself from secret Senzo Mchunu meeting

The ANC in KwaZulu-Natal on Tuesday distanced itself from a secret meeting allegedly held by Premier Senzo Mchunu's camp to plot a way forward in the event of a cabinet reshuffle.

Last week provincial leaders dismissed rumours that Mchunu was going to be recalled and that a cabinet reshuffle in the province was looming. Provincial secretary Super Zuma last week Wednesday told reporters that he did not know the origins of the rumours.

On Tuesday Zuma said the provincial working committee had noted media reports regarding a meeting said to have taken place in Ballito, North of Durban, on the eve of an ANC press briefing convened to communicate decisions arising from the provincial executive committee (PEC) meeting.

"This meeting is purported to have been a gathering of a faction claiming to represent the interests of comrade Senzo Mchunu.

"This faction, which has absolutely no capacity whatsoever to match the mighty courage of the ANC, is said to have convened in order to work on their next move in response to what was strangely purported to be an imminent announcement of a recall of comrade Senzo Mchunu from the position of the premier, following a PEC meeting."

Zuma said the party was concerned that there was a group of ANC members meeting secretively.

"They effectively indulge in detailed planning on how to weaken and undermine their own organization.

"Clearly, the intention is to sustain the thesis that the current leadership elected in our last conference is only there for a self-serving agenda with no interests for our people."

The party categorically rejected this "offensive" suggestion, he said.

An ANC insider believed to be in Mchunu's faction, but who asked not to be named. told News24 that this meeting never took place.

"If there is anything that we want to address, we will address it head-on or with a march. I heard about a meeting that took place but I can tell you now this is a lie.

"They said mayors and ANC leaders from uThungulu and Harry Gwala were at the meeting but they do not say who those people are."

The source said he was shocked that the ANC would take rumours seriously.














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