Sun International plans no Nigeria withdrawal despite SA staff being detained

Sun International has no plans or intentions of pulling out of Nigeria despite its staff’s recent run-in with the law, the hotel group said on Tuesday.

Last week, four employees of Sun International in management positions, including three South Africans, were detained without charge by the Nigerian Economic and Financial Crimes Commission on Thursday. The company secured their release late on Monday night with the help of the South African High Commission in Nigeria.

“I can confirm that our staff were released last night and we are having discussions with them about their future since they are seconded to the operations in Nigeria. We are sympathetic to their plight,” Sun International spokesperson Michael Farr said, adding that the hotel chain was not discouraged by the recent events.

“We are a committed investor and we have no intentions of withdrawing our investment. Nigeria offers a lot of opportunities for our business,” said Farr.

Sun International owns 49.3 percent of the Nigerian Stock Exchange listed entity Tourist Company of Nigeria, which owns the Federal Palace Hotel and Casino in Lagos, making it the largest single shareholder.


– African News Agency (ANA)

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