Special assembly planned at Wits over fee hikes

Picture Credit: Kgothatso Madisa
Picture Credit: Kgothatso Madisa

A special assembly is expected to take place at Wits University at noon on Monday to allow its council to report to the university assembly on deliberations surrounding fee increases.

The university will remain closed on Monday.

This includes the suspension of all lectures, examinations, assessments and practicals, and affects all students and staff on all campuses including the Medical School and affiliated hospitals.

Wits suspended its decision to hike fees by 10.5% after students protested on campus last week.

According to a statement issued by the university, there would be no fee increments until negotiations reach an agreement.

This following an “intense and protracted engagement” between protesting students and members of the Executive Committee of Council.

The statement also said no disciplinary action would be taken against students or workers who participated in the protest.

During the protests, some students locked down the campus and lectures were cancelled until protesters were assured that fees would not go up.

- Source: News24

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