Overflowing water in Riebeeck East tests positive for Ecoli

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Water that has been overflowing for some time from a septic tank at the police station in Riebeeck East in the Eastern Cape has tested positive for Ecoli‚ according to the Democratic Alliance.

“Our members tested the water and were shocked to find that it did indeed test positive for Ecoli. This poses a very serious health risk to the people and livestock who use these roads‚” the DA’s Eastern Cape spokesperson for health Celeste Barker said on Thursday.

She said she had submitted written questions for written reply to the provincial legislature asking if the Department of Health (DOH) had investigated this health issue and‚ if so‚ when this was done and if not‚ when it would be done.

“I have also asked what measures will be taken to prevent any repetition of this health risk and what steps the DOH will take to maintain and/or empty conservancy and septic tanks in the Eastern Cape‚” Barker added.

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