ANC officials bust for attempted car theft

Mthatha police swooped on three ANC staff members after they allegedly tried to steal a car from the Savoy Hotel on Nelson Mandela Drive in Mthatha.

The three men, who are based in the ANC's Calata House provincial office in King William's Town, are in the OR Tambo region to conduct branch audits ahead of the region's elective conference next week.

The alleged theft took place around midnight on Sunday at the hotel's parking lot. The swift response of a security guard ensured the three were arrested before they could take the car out of the premises.

Police spokesman Mzukisi Fatyela confirmed a case of attempted car theft was opened against one of the men. He was due to appear in court by arrangement with his lawyer.

The owner of the vehicle, UDM councillor Nobuntu Mzimane, said she woke up to find her vehicle clamped and parked in the middle of the parking lot. She was attending a workshop at the hotel and was also booked in for the night.

"I had no idea that someone would try to steal my car while I slept. When I went out to investigate, I found the security guard and he told me that he found the men inside my car and because he had seen me driving into the hotel, he knew that the car did not belong to them.

"He told them to leave the car but they told him that it is their car. At this point the steering had jammed so they opened the boot and the bonnet. The security informed the receptionist on duty and they called the police."

Mzimane said the men were taken away by police, who she said later advised her to negotiate with the men and not press charges.

"Later when we were at Central police station, some people who claimed to be members of the regional leadership of the ANC said I should not press charges because this might go to the media."

ANC regional secretary Lulama Ngcukayithobi said the regional leadership has received a report about the incident.

"It's a very unfortunate development, but we will await the process of law to run its full course before we make a conclusive statement on the matter," Ngcukayithobi said.

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