Gordhan clashes with councillors

RESPECT NEEDED: Minister Pravin Gordhan has been accused by some municipal councillors of conniving with Treasury to destroy their municipalities PHOTO: Trevor Samson
RESPECT NEEDED: Minister Pravin Gordhan has been accused by some municipal councillors of conniving with Treasury to destroy their municipalities PHOTO: Trevor Samson

COOPERATIVE Governance and Traditional Affairs Minister Pravin Gordhan has given yet another frank talk to municipal officials to ensure they win public confidence or face the prospect of the ANC being rejected in next year's local government elections.

But Gordhan's frankness angered some officials attending the SA Local Government Association (Salga) assembly in Midrand. They made it clear they did not take kindly to his belief that they were inefficient.

Some councillors from the floor accused Gordhan of constantly putting them down, while they have limited budgets at municipalities, and accused him of "conniving" with National Treasury.

"You are conniving to destroy municipalities," charged a fuming councillor from the floor.

Corruption was as rife in government departments and not limited to municipalities, others said.

The minister snapped: "To accuse me of conniving is unfair, you don't know me, you don't know what I do. We can interact, but let us respect each other because we are still going to work together for another four years and let's avoid words like 'conniving'."

He said it was important to win public confidence or even the ANC would not get re-elected.

Gordhan did not win any fans with his scathing criticism of officials and politicians he claimed neglected communities who raised legitimate issues like not having running water.

"If you have to do repairs, do them tomorrow, now, not next week. But I think there is so much to do to put people first."

The heated exchange comes in the wake of unhappiness with Gordhan's decision to fire municipal officials who were not qualified to do their work. But he clarified yesterday that those with no qualifications but with the skills may be considered for a reprieve.

Gordhan said officials should not deny that rampant corruption and abuse of power were happening in municipalities.

"Are we denying there is no abuse at local government, that there is no stealing going on, or like the president said, some are employing family members?

"The question is how do we cut out that nonsense."

Another contentious issue raised by officials was the austerity measures announced by the Treasury, including cutting catering at meetings, allowing fewer than five councillors to travel to meetings, and slashing the limit on accommodation to R1300.

Gordhan reminded officials of the approach to governance in light of upcoming elections and protests: "Egos need to be satisfied but the test is to get an ordinary folk saying 'Thank you, I don't have sewage passing through [the] door'."

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