School bullying video goes viral

A video recording of a KwaZulu-Natal schoolgirl being slapped, shoved and kicked in the abdomen by two other pupils has gone viral.

The video, which appears to be recorded in a dorm room at the school, was reportedly taken in September at Vukuzakhe High School.

In the video, the girl is repeatedly slapped and shoved while sitting on a bed. She is then kicked, while on the floor, in her abdomen several times while denying accusations made against her, The Star reported.

One of the bullies asks the girl: "Do you still want to be my child?"

The girl says "yes".

The Star said it appeared the girl was being attacked for ignoring one of the bullies after they had summoned her.

According to The Star, the two bullies were in grade 11 and the girl in grade nine.

"The pupils were suspended immediately after the department was made aware of the video," KwaZulu-Natal education department spokesman Isaac Luthuli was quoted as saying.

He said a tribunal was held on Tuesday where recommendations were made.

"The school's governing body will sit tomorrow [Thursday] and will look at the recommendations and take it from there," he said.


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