Chai FM reprimanded for hate speech: BCCSA

The Broadcasting Complaints Commission of SA (BCCSA) has reprimanded Jewish radio station Chai FM for broadcasting content that amounted to hate speech and propaganda.

"As a sanction the tribunal issued a firm reprimand, cautioning the broadcaster that if a similar finding is made in future, a fine will be considered," the commission said in a statement on Monday.

Complaints about three separate broadcasts were lodged against the station, which serves the South African Jewish community.

The first was about a caller to the station who wanted to throw pork chops at Muslims. The second complaint was about a radio guest who said Muslims were barbarians and slaves to their religion.

The BCCSA dismissed these two complaints, saying they did contravene the broadcasting code.

The third complaint was about a guest speaker on the station delivering a speech which was against Muslims in general, and associated Palestinians with Adolf Hitler's Nazi party.

The BCCSA ruled the insert amounted to propaganda.

"The propaganda rises to the level of the advocacy of hatred based on religion and ethnicity that constitutes incitement to cause harm," the BCCSA said.


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