Zanokuhle Mbatha vs SAPS

After people’s hopes were high following the arrest of a suspect in Senzo Meyiwa’s case, the hopes were shortlived after the case was withdrawn.

The South African Police Service (SAPS) came out guns blazing about two weeks ago saying they are definitely sure Zanokuhle Mbatha was involved in the shooting and killing of Senzo Meyiwa.

Mbatha was arrested 12 days ago and immediately appeared in the magistrate court which labelled him as one of  three suspects involved in the killing of the soccer star.

After scanning the public's reaction on Twitter regarding the wrongful arrest, we have found the following:

The general consensus in Twitterville was that the police were under pressure and had to make a quick arrest in order to calm the nation down.

Nathie Mlotshwa ‏@Nathie261284 said: “@SowetanLIVE  they wanted to calm down the nation and the family, they had nothing on Mbatha”

Asanda Ntsangani ‏@asanda_43897 said: “@SowetanLIVE they had nothing on that #Mbatha they just wanted 2 do a quick arrest,they must do proper job...”

Others were concerned that the wrongful arrest and the subsequent release has put Mbatha’s life in danger.

Sello LedwaLa ‏@LedwalaSello said: “@SowetanLIVE incompetence&desperation let to arrest of wrong person, How is #Mbatha going to live his life in the community?I see Mob justice”

Mologadi Kganyago ‏@Trompies015 said: “@SowetanLIVE And they want the Community to trust Them After They Were So Optimistic about their catch....its a catch Gone Wrong”

Sowetan LIVE asked: What's going on?

The SAPS replied saying that they have withdrawn the case provisionally. It was not an actual acquittal. The decision comes after consultation with the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA).

They have revealed that they are still pursuing the case against Mbatha and he can still be charged at later stage after finalising forensic results.

Zanokuhle Mbatha however is not pleased about what just happened to him. He told The Times newspaper that he wants answers.

"Why say it was me? I want answers. I want an apology, from the police, from those who told the world it was Zamokuhle Mbatha,” he said.

Mbatha, 27, was charged with murder and robbery for what police believed was a botched robbery.

"I want an apology on TV just like when the police went onto TV and said it was me, Zamo, who killed Senzo,” he told the paper.

"The police, who were 100% sure it was me, must explain why they are not now 100% sure."

However the SAPS said in reply: "We do investigations. We are not in the business of apologising."

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