'Do not let e-tolls tear ANC apart': Ramaphosa

Cyril Ramaphosa Deputy President South Africa
Cyril Ramaphosa Deputy President South Africa

DEPUTY President Cyril Ramaphosa has decried the culture of vote buying, corruption and infighting in the ANC.

Rampahosa, who is also ANC deputy president, implored delegates at the party's provincial conference in Gauteng to fight corruption in the ranks of the ruling party.

"The people of Gauteng are not interested in our factional battles, they are not interested in personalities or who is best rendering revolutionary slogans or sings best revolutionary songs. Our people love the ANC, their love for ANC also means they also wants us to do what's right by them and see us taking action against those doing wrong in their eyes."

Ramaphosa preached unity on Friday and urged ANC members to resist turning against one another when the party was in difficult times.

He told the more than 1500 delegates conference in Pretoria that even a “challenge” such as e-tolls should not make ANC cadres want to tear each other apart.

"We must resist the urge to tear ourselves apart because of a lack of progress or mishaps, we must defend the unity of ANC and of our people.

"We must not tear ourselves apart even when we go through difficulty, even with the e-tolls, let's not tear ourselves apart," he said.

The ANCs share of the vote declined in the May elections, with Gauteng emerging as one of those hardest hit, shedding 10% of votes.

The province attributed its poor performance on concerns around the e-tolling of the province's freeways, among others. There was also an outcry over the R246million upgrades to President Jacob Zuma's private home, which was believed to have shrunk votes.

But Ramaphosa, without mentioning Nkandla, said even in bleak moments ANC cadres must not pull in different directions but foster unity and defend the party.

Despite all the scandals the ANC constantly has to defend itself against, Ramaphosa was adamant the organisation will do well at the 2016 local government elections.

"I can already smell the victory, we are going to win, I can already see the victory... Even in bleak moments. Even here in Gauteng, if we do that assessment we will emerge victorious in all metros, we will show them what the ANC is made of."

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