IEC employees threaten to strike

Employees of the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) have threatened to strike unless chairwoman Pansy Tlakula is removed before the election on May 7, City Press reported on Sunday.

The potential strike risks disrupting the election, and intensifies pressure on Tlakula, who has been implicated in a PwC forensic audit as well as Public Protector Thuli Madonsela's report into the leasing of the IEC's R320 million head office in Centurion, Pretoria.

This week Economic Freedom Fighters leader Julius Malema and AgangSA leader Mamphela Ramphele told Tlakula to her face she must resign.

Malema called on Tlakula to resign "to avoid the possibility civil war".

The African National Congress has come out in Tlakula's defence, saying her issues don't impact the credibility of the elections.

Organisers of the unprecedented strike said it was supported by more than 90 percent of IEC employees who have mandated the national negotiating forum -- a worker's structure led by the National Education, Health and Allied Workers' Union - to enter into talks with IEC commissioners, the paper said.

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