Eduloan to support digital education

Eduloan will help students secure loans for laptops and tablets which will be compulsory for University of Johannesburg (UJ) first year students next year, it said on Tuesday.

"Eduloan is prepared for the next step in information technology innovation in education and... has partnered with UJ to provide a range of loan options for its first year students," the education finance company said in a statement.

It had a wide range of laptops and tablets on offer with different repayment terms to suit students' needs.

The company said it partnered with leading brands so it could provide affordable loan options to students for the devices.

The monthly instalment repayment for loans would depend on the make and model of the device, and the terms of the particular loan option.

On Wednesday, UJ said it would be compulsory for first year students to have their own such devices for their studies next year.

"Technology will be an integral part of UJ students' learning process, and with this UJ graduates will have the competitive edge and be able to vie for top positions nationally and internationally," the university said in a statement.

According to the UJ website, it had negotiated a deal with a service provider so students would pay about R2000 for a tablet and the necessary dongle.

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