Accused cop 'intended to kill student'

AN INDEPENDENT Police Investigative Directorate officer told a Randfontein Magistrate's Court that a policeman accused of killing a university student had intended to commit the crime.

Vincent Mkhari said Constable Emmanuel Ngobeni, 29, who was with his colleagues at the time, did not fire any warning shots when he fired at Gopolang Ngobeni, who is not related to the policeman.

Ngobeni would apply for bail.

Mkhari said Gopolang was with four other Tshwane University of Technology students driving to a funeral in Mohlakeng, Randfontein, on May 24.

"They got lost in Randfontein. They then followed a security vehicle. After the security vehicle made a U-turn at a cul-de-sac, the students also made a U-turn.

"The students then drove on to a filling station. It is alleged that a police vehicle (with its blue light on), as well as security vehicles, followed the students to the filling station ."

"Gopolang was shot twice as he was about to get out of the car." -

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