Bodies of 'MK couriers' to go for forensic tests

TWO graves believed to be those of Umkhonto weSizwe (MK) couriers were exhumed in Soweto's Avalon cemetery.

The two young men - Corlett "Lolo" Sono, 21, and Siboniso Anthony Shabalala, 19, - disappeared in November 1988.

They were among the many activists reported missing to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

The National Prosecuting Authority's (NPA) missing persons task team established that two bodies, with multiple stab wounds, were found in a field in Soweto's Diepkloof extension on the morning of November 15 1988.

The bodies were taken to a state mortuary and later buried as unidentified persons - together with a large group of paupers - in Avalon cemetery.

Photographs of the two bodies have been positively identified by their families.

Spokeswoman for the NPA's missing person's task team, Bulelwa Makeke, said their remains would be sent for forensic tests. "We have to take them for testing to confirm their identities," she said.

Further investigations into the two deaths are being conducted by the SAPS. -

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