Three sentenced for millionaire's death

The widow of a Danish millionaire and her two siblings have been sentenced for his murder in 2008, it was reported on Friday.

The Cape Times reported that Maria Povlsen, 36, was sentenced to eight years in jail for the murder of her husband Preben Povlsen, 72, in his luxury Gordan's Bay home on January 14, 2008.

Her siblings, Francis Kimeze and Stella Ssengendo, were held responsible for their role in the killing.

Kimeze, a self-proclaimed former child soldier, was found guilty of murder while Povlsen and Ssengendo were convicted as accessories after the fact.

Kimeze was given in effect 25 years' direct imprisonment and Ssengendo seven years.

According to the report, Judge Rosheni Allie found the three had the trust of the slain millionaire, that he had assisted them financially and that he had not posed any physical danger to them.

Allie also found that they showed no remorse for their actions.

The three had already served about five years in jail awaiting the end of their court proceedings.


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