Refuse dumped at councillor's house

Orange Farm residents have emptied their waste bins at the house of their ward councillor Lindelwa June Nhose, according to A report on Thursday.

The Star newspaper reported that residents were protesting about the lack of waste removal.

They claimed their refuse had not been collected since December 16. They wheeled their bins to Nhose's front yard and emptied the waste there on Saturday. The wasted was collected on Tuesday.

Protest organiser Pule Semahla said they approached a manager at Pikitup who told them trucks had broken down. They did not believe him and approached head office where they were told the head office was not aware of the problem.

"When we took the matter to our councillor, to whom we have been crying about this for weeks, she gave us attitude and so we reacted."

The newspaper reported that Pikitup was unable to respond in time for publication and Nhose's cellphone was switched off.

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