New Mozambique party creates waves

Pushing for change: Mozambican Democratic Movement's Daviz Simango PHOTO: AFP
Pushing for change: Mozambican Democratic Movement's Daviz Simango PHOTO: AFP

Running on a slogan of "Mozambique for all", 48-year-old MDM founder Daviz Simango is tapping into popular anger that a flood of mining and energy investment is failing to make its way to millions mired in poverty

MAPUTO - When kidnappers seized a 17-year-old Muslim girl in Maputo last month, Muslims reacted with outrage but their cries for firm government action against a crime wave targeting the community fell on deaf ears.

At least they did until a prominent elder threatened a "reorientation" of the Muslim vote and its sizeable financial clout from the ruling Frelimo party to the Mozambican Democratic Movement (MDM), a small but fast-growing opposition outfit.

The meeting with President Armando Guebuza two days later is the latest sign of the waves MDM is creating.

The girl was rescued this week, though no details of the operation have emerged.

Running on a slogan of "Mozambique for all", 48-year-old MDM founder Daviz Simango is building on his base as mayor of Beira by tapping into popular anger that a flood of mining and energy investment is failing to make its way to millions mired in poverty.

Simango is also emerging as the champion of young, educated Mozambicans who face scant chances of getting a job unless they have friends at the top of Frelimo.

Foreign mining mega-deals are typically shrouded in official secrecy.

"These contracts must not be signed to the detriment of the national interest. These contracts are being drafted without transparency, therefore these contracts do not serve Mozambicans," Simango says.

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