Child rapist jailed for life

He was caught by the community for raping little girls aged between 2-7 years

A man convicted of raping 11 girls and murdering another was sentenced to 11 life terms in prison by the Western Cape High Court on Monday.

“Soyisiso Nofemele, 26, was found guilty of 12 abductions, 11 rapes and one murder,” National Prosecuting Authority spokesman Eric Ntabazalila said.

Nofemele was sentenced to an additional 10 years in prison for the abduction of one of the girls.

“Nofemele was chased and caught by residents before he could rape the girl,” Ntabazalila said.

He said Nofemele targeted children between the ages of two and seven in Khayelitsha.

“He lured his victims by promising them sweets and chips.”

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