FET colleges get R2,5bn injection

FET Colleges' expansion and capacity building programme receives a R2,5 billion injection from Minister Nzimande.

All 50 Further Education and Training Colleges in the country will on Wednesday the 1st of August receive their individual allocation of the R2,5 billion FET Expansion and Capacity Development Programme fund.

Minister of Higher Education and Training, Dr Blade Nzimande, will officially hand over the allocation certificates to the Principals of the Colleges with funding that came from the National Skills Fund(NSF) to support the expansion and growth of the FET sector, support skills development in the key growth sectors of the economy and support capacity building.

"If we say we want to turn the FETs into institutions of choice in our country, then that goes with an investment towards improving the institutions in terms of the quality of the teaching, learning, infrastructure including the facilities, as well as the output. That is one of the ways we will turn the negative perceptions about FET Colleges around," Minister Nzimande said.

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