Mswati's wives planning Las Vegas holiday

Three of King Mswati's wives are planning an American shopping spree, the Swaziland Solidarity Network says

"It has been confirmed that the Kings wives will arrive in Las Vegas on the night of the 4th of August," the organisation said in a statement.

"Three wives are [travelling] and they will be staying at some villas which cost R20,000 a night each.

"A contingent of 55 people will most likely use at least 10 villas." The contingent will be composed mainly of the young princes, princesses and security personnel, SSN said.

It added: "The ambassador to the United States, together with his wife, is going to Las Vegas a week in advance to 'prepare' for them. They will also be staying at their own villa".

An outraged SSN said: "so that is effectively what the king prefers to do with the money that could solve the industrial impasse between the government and civil servants".

"This blatant misuse of resources is an insult to the Swazi nation."

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