Strikers refuse to sign charges

THE strife continues at the Lepelle-Nkumpi municipality in Lebowakgomo, Limpopo, after management of the institution yesterday locked workers out of the municipal buildings.

The workers were accused of embarking on an "illegal" strike.

More than 100 employees embarked on a strike two weeks ago after accusing management of taking "unilateral" decisions without consulting with them.

The management had allegedly cut down overtime and telephone allowances without prior consultations with the workers.

The workers had also complained of not being provided with protective clothing. Reacting to the workers' action, management yesterday took a decision to lock them out of the municipal offices at the Lebowakgomo Civic Centre.

It also charged the 107 workers for "taking part in an unprotected and illegal strike."

All affected workers are members of the South African Municipal Workers Union.

They spent the whole day protesting outside the gates of the municipal buildings.

The workers have also refused to sign the charge sheet as instructed by management.

Municipal spokes-woman, Mokgadi Maubane, confirmed yesterday that management had taken a decision to charge the 107 Samwu members.

"We view the action by the Samwu members as an illegal and unprotected strike, hence the decision to charge them," she said.

She said they were still weighing options on further action because the workers were refusing to sign the charge sheet.

"We will consult with our legal services unit to map a way forward regarding further action on the matter," she said.

The workers had earlier expressed concerns that the institution's funds had dried, while management was allegedly overcharging it on unnecessary expenditures, including trips and workshops.

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