Enquiry into hospital death

RIDDLE: A woman fell to her death from the ninth floor at Charlotte Maxeke Hospital yesterday. photo: Busisiwe Mbatha
RIDDLE: A woman fell to her death from the ninth floor at Charlotte Maxeke Hospital yesterday. photo: Busisiwe Mbatha

"We were later told that a patient fell from the ninth floor, but we are still unsure whether she fell or was pushed"

THE Gauteng department of health has launched an investigation after a female patient fell to her death at Charlotte Maxeke Academic Hospital in Johannesburg yesterday.

The woman fell from the hospital's ninth floor onto the institution's play grounds in the morning, according to a security guard.

The guard told Sowetan the woman was last seen entering the toilet, only for her body to be found lying in the play grounds.

"We were later told that a patient fell from the ninth floor, but we are still unsure whether she fell or was pushed. We are still shocked," the guard said.

Health spokesperson Simon Zwane said the department and police have launched an investigation to determine the circumstances that led to the woman's death.

MEC for health and social development Ntombi Mekgwe has since sent condolences to the family of the woman.

Zwane said preliminary investigations have revealed that the patient had allegedly jumped from the toilet.

"She has been admitted to the surgical unit for entero-cutenous fistula (the opening of the bowel to the skin). She was surgically operated at the hospital previously but returned on Friday after she complained about severe pain," Zwane said.

He said the woman's father and two sisters have been briefed by the hospital management about the tragedy.

Her father said although she had been going through a lot of pain, they were hoping that she would get better.

Zwane promised that the hospital will offer support and psycho-social counselling at the hospital to those affected by the incident.

Democratic Alliance provincial leader Dennis Bloem said even though the incident appeared to have been suicide, they needed to know whether all possible safeguards to prevent the tragedy were in place.

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