Tatane case postponed

THE case against eight Free State policemen accused of assaulting and killing protester Andries Tatane was postponed by the Ficksburg regional court

The accused police officers are Nicodemus Israel Moiloa, Mothusi Magano, Isaac Finger, Olebogeng Mphirime, Jonas Skosana, Mphonyana Ntaje, Kanathasen Munsamay and Solomon Moeketsi.

Their trial would start on November 23, Independent Complaints Directorate spokesperson Moses Dlamini said.

They allegedly shot Tatane - a teacher - in the chest with rubber bullets and beat him with batons during a service delivery protest in Ficksburg on April 13.

Two of the policemen were charged with murder and the other six faced charges of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.

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