Minister wants more inspectors

LABOUR Minister Nelisiwe Oliphant has reiterated her promise to increase the number of inspectors in order to ensure that inspection and enforcement is not hindered.

She said this at the opening of the Mbombela labour centre last week.

The office, which serves the communities of White River, Hazyview, Thulamahashe and Casteel, was closed by departmental inspectors last year for failing to comply with health and safety regulations.

The minister said this showed that the department would stop at nothing to abide by the law.

Oliphant said that in the past financial year the office serviced about 8000 people .

Earlier this year, the Labour Department revealed that most workers employed by Sizwangendaba Investment, a firm which was awarded a R230million tender under questionable circumstances, had not registered tractor operators as is required by law.

Provincial labour department spokesperson Tony Mphahlele said it was illegal not to register workers.

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