AfriForum and DA 'fan racism'

THE South African Communist Party has accused the Afriforum and the DA of using the current debate around statements by former labour director-general Jimmy Manyi about coloureds to fan racial tensions.

"We condemn those who have pounced on these ill-advised remarks not in order to correct them and help to build national unity, but in order to whip up minority prejudices and fears," said the SACP yesterday.

Manyi has been called a racist - even within the ANC ranks - for saying there was an oversupply of coloureds in the Western Cape.

The SACP accused the DA of using Manyi's statement to raise "swaart gevaar" sentiment among the coloureds as part of its electioneering strategy.

SACP general secretary Blade Nzimande yesterday told the media that the DA was using Manyi's comment for "narrow electoral gains by stoking up racial tensions".

SACP deputy secretary Jeremy Cronin described the AfriForum and the DA as "ethnic forces that are openly or subliminally using Manyi's comments to fan racial fires".

Manyi has been roundly condemned for his comments, including from within the ANC.

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