Bapsfontein families to be relocated

A TOTAL of 3000 families from the Bapsfontein informal settlement are being relocated because of dolomite in the area, the Ekurhuleni metropolitan municipality said.

"The Bapsfontein informal settlement area was declared a local state of disaster that is highly unstable and not safe for human settlement due to dolomite instability in the area," municipal spokesperson Zweli Dlamini said.

He said it was expected that 50 families would have been moved by yesterday.

"While the majority of people are being moved by the municipality, others have made their own private arrangements," he said.

The families would first be moved to various temporary relocation points.

People had signed consent forms indicating that they agreed to the move.

He said the metro was helping people put up new structures and - where there were shortages - helping provide them with materials.

"Furthermore, residents are provided with clean water, mobile toilets, high mast lights, basic health services and solid waste removal."

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