Girl forced to marry at 13

HOURS after being rescued a 13-year-old girl sat staring at the television. She had been crying. Her eyes were red.

The people around her were coaxing her to have something to eat and drink. But she just sobbed quietly.

She said she wanted to go back home to her "husband". Later, she told a different story.

This girl, thousands of kilometres from her Maputo, Mozambique, home, told those present that she was married to a 24-year-old man.

The baby-faced girl was dressed in a white dress, blue jersey, and black slippers. Her relaxed hair was neatly held by a plastic Alice band. She looked confused.

At 9am yesterday, community activist Alice Godlolo arrived at the shack in Sophiatown informal settlement in Thembisa, Ekurhuleni, after a tip-off that the girl had been locked up while the man went to work.

After they opened the door community members and the police took her to a hospital for a check-up and later to the Rabie Ridge police station.

When the Sowetan team met her she was at a place of safety in Tembisa.

In a soft voice she told Sowetan through and interpreter that she was forced to marry the man by her parents last year.

"My parents know that I did not want to marry this man. They also know that I did not want to come here to South Africa," she said.

The girl told how her "husband" was very strict.

"He locks me in the house all day. I am not allowed to go outside and speak to other people. If he sees me with someone else he beats me.

"He promises to let me call my parents back home but never keeps his word," she said.

He also prevented her from seeking help by bribing her with food, clothes and money.

She said she wanted to go back home and return to school. She was in Grade 4 when she left.

After being rescued she was immediately taken to a hospital where medical tests were done on her. The results were not yet known.

A neighbour told Sowetan he was always suspicious of the man.

"Last month he wanted me to help him find a place to live. I told him I didn't have a place but offered to let his 'sister' stay with me and my family," the neighbour said.

Another neighbour said the girl had told her that the man had paid ilobolo for her in Maputo before he brought her to South Africa last year.

Rabie Ridge police spokesperson Joyce Setshedi confirmed that a case of statutory rape was opened yesterday.

"Once the suspect is arrested, a full investigation will be instituted and the perpetrator will be brought to book," Setshedi said.

She said the minor did not have proper documents.

Last night, the man confirmed that the girl was his wife. He insisted that she was 21. The police have opened a case of statutory rape against the man for marrying a minor.


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