Disputes delay project funds

RECONSTRUCTING the collapsed Wisani Lodge, a property of the Mhinga community near Kruger National Park, is vital and could unlock job opportunities.

MEC for economic development, environment and tourism Pitsi Moloto discussed the problem surrounding the collapse of lodge with the Mhinga Development Trust and assured the community that the project would be funded again. He did not divulge a bailout plan.

The project was funded by the government with R6million eight years ago to allow the community opportunities in the tourism sector. It is on a tourism route. But it ran aground because of woeful management.

"We are going to discuss a way forward and turn it around. It is in the public interest that the place should work again," said Moloto.

The project is situated east of Polokwane, less than 8km from Kruger Park, Africa's prime wildlife conservation site which boosts the tourism sector.

But fears have been voiced that it may take longer than expected as the trust and developers are still embroiled in a legal dispute over the lodge.

The battle has resulted in the lodge structures being dysfunctional. Movable property items are missing and rooms constructed to house guests are left without windows and doors.

But Moloto pledged last week that the government would come on board to make Wisani Lodge "work" but did not say how they would bring the dead structures back to life.

The ANC Youth League in the area said the government should be more careful and conscious of leadership bickering that has led the first funding to flop.

ANCYL Mhinga branch chairperson Miyelani Chauke said there was a need to investigate financial statements of the project because poor management had caused a mess and killed the project.

"There must be investigations before they pump more money," said Chauke.

Trust chairperson Sammy Mhinga said they also needed government intervention on resolving a court dispute because they had been taken to court by developers they never signed any agreement with.

But it is alleged that court documents indicate thatvillagers have signed the partnership with developers without the trust's knowledge.

"We have seen that Moloto wants to revitalise the project but it won't be possible because there's still a court dispute," Mhinga said.

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