Chieftainess in land row

SAD: Lettie Makhura says she is the rightful owner of the land. 26/10/2009. © Sowetan.
SAD: Lettie Makhura says she is the rightful owner of the land. 26/10/2009. © Sowetan.

A BITTER row has erupted between a Limpopo female chief and her subject over a piece of land at GaTauyatswala village in Tselios.

This was after Lettie Makhura, accused the traditional leader of trampling on her rights.

Makhura said Raesibe Tauyatswala had denied her the chance of owning a piece of land in the village.

At the centre of the row are allegations that Tauyatswala, a chieftainess in the area, has allocated a piece of land owned by Makhura to another villager.

Makhura said Tauyatswala gave away the land though she was the legal owner.

Makhura, who is unemployed, is staying with her two children and two grandchildren as well as three of her late younger sister's children.

She said the problem started when an RDP house, for which she had registered, was to be built on the same piece of land.

She had registered for the house on behalf of her late sister'schildren.

Makhura said despite producing proof that she owned the land, Tauyatswala insisted on allocating it to another person, who now used it to grow vegetables for selling.

Makhura claimed she was convinced the man had no documents to prove he owned the land.

"I took up the matter with the local traditional authority to find a way of resolving it but Tauyatswala overruled them," said Makhura yesterday.

Makhura also claimed Tauyatswala had advised the man to open a case of illegal occupation against her. He did so and she was subsequently arrested.

At the moment, Makhura is out on R300 bail and will appear in court again on November 4.

"I view this as a clear case of abuse of power because Tauyatswala thinks she can do as she pleases in that village," said Makhura.

A local ANC councillor, Refilwe Chokoe, said yesterday that efforts to resolve the matter with Tauyatswala were fruitless.

Efforts to contact Tauyatswala for a comment failed.

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