Spice Girls plan World Cup show

MEL B says the Spice Girls are planning an "exciting reunion".

MEL B says the Spice Girls are planning an "exciting reunion".

The 34-year-old singer, right, has revealed the girl group - also consisting of Emma Bunton, Victoria Beckham, Mel C and Geri Halliwell - are ecstatic to be working on the comeback project.

She said: "We are definitely going to do something together again soon. We're actually working on it right now. I don't want to say too much because I don't want to spoil the surprise, but it's really exciting. I can't wait to sing with the girls again!"

Last month, it was reported Mel wanted to get the band back together for a one-off performance in South Africa next year, at the same time as the soccer World Cup. At the time, it was suggested Victoria - whose husband is England soccer star David Beckham - may not take part and the girls could perform as a foursome.

A source said: "Mel's determined to get the girls back together for the World Cup and wants them to plough ahead as a foursome if Victoria does not want to take part. She has got the others excited by the idea of a one-off appearance." - Bang

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