Tennis vets eye champs

THE much-anticipated Gauteng Central Veterans Tennis Open will be held at different venues around Johannesburg from October 18.

THE much-anticipated Gauteng Central Veterans Tennis Open will be held at different venues around Johannesburg from October 18.

The event will be contested by players aged from 30 to 80 and will be played over four days.

Tournament director Stefan Smuts said the main reason behind the tournament was for players to accumulate as many points as possible to qualify for selection to represent South Africa at the World Team Tennis Championships next year.

"It will also be an opportunity for players to get to know each other.

"Unfortunately, there is no prize money, but so far everything is going well and we are just waiting to get on with it.

"We are certainly hoping for a big turnout. Our aim is to get more than 180 people taking part," Smuts said. - Mogomotsi Selebi

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