Nigeria bans hit SA movie

ONE of the summer's biggest blockbusters - a sci-fi morality tale about aliens and apartheid - is not welcome in Nigeria because of its portrayal of Nigerians as gangsters and cannibals.

ONE of the summer's biggest blockbusters - a sci-fi morality tale about aliens and apartheid - is not welcome in Nigeria because of its portrayal of Nigerians as gangsters and cannibals.

Information Minister Dora Akunyili on Saturday asked movie houses in the capital of Abuja to stop screening District 9 because the South Africa-based sci-fi movie about aliens and discrimination makes Nigerians look bad.

"We have directed that they stop screening the film. We are not happy about it because it portrays Nigeria in bad light."

Akunyili has asked Sony for an apology and wants them to edit out references to Nigeria and to the name of the main Nigerian gangster Obesandjo, whose name closely resembles that of former Nigerian president Olusegun Obasanjo.

"We have written to the producer and distributor of the film, Sony Entertainment, expressing our displeasure and demanded an apology," she said.

The film's portrayal of Nigerians has also drawn the ire of critics and bloggers.

The film took about $37million (R275million) during its US debut weekend in August.

The movie's representatives were not available for comment. - Sapa-AP

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