ANC YOUTH League leader Julius Malema has defended Higher Education and Training Minister Blade Nzimande's acquisition of a R1,1million car, saying the minister has not broken the law.

Nzimande has become the latest member of President Jacob Zuma's cabinet to be embroiled in a "cargate" scandal that involves the purchase of a R1,1million BMW 750i.

Speaking during the 2009 Peter Mokaba Memorial Lecture at the Veereniging Civic Theatre yesterday, Malema said ministers should stop trying to explain themselves about the cars they did not even own.

Malema said the ministerial handbook, which entitles ministers to car allowances equivalent to 70percent of their annual salaries, was considerate of South Africa's moral values.

He blamed the criticism against the ministers on the media that wanted to project Zuma's government as corrupt.

DA shadow minister of higher education and Training Wilmot James said Malema was missing the point of the DA argument.

"We agree that ministers have not done anything illegal but we are a middle income country, our ministers must behave as leaders of a middle income country."

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