Officials visit Spain

A FIVE-PERSON delegation from the Zululand district municipality is on a two-week visit to Spain.

District mayor Zanele Magwaza-Msibi said the visit was part of a livestock training programme sponsored by the Spanish government and implemented three years ago.

"The visit is part of our ongoing relationship with Spain," she said. "The Spanish government paid for the trip. The delegation consists of Rural Action Group members from communities and staff members."

She said while the visit was part of the continuing economic ties between her municipality and Spain, the delegation's main priority was the livestock project that prompted poor rural communities to make use of their livestock as a means of generating sustainable income and food for their families.

Agro-processing, tourism, handcraft and agriculture were identified and prioritised during the consultation process between the municipality and Spain.

The project will be implemented in Ulundi and Nongoma municipalities.

Fifty people have already benefited from the programme, which involves goat farming.

The project is close to being implemented since areas for establishment of Rural Action Groups and beneficiaries have been identified.

"The Nongoma municipality's Makhalaneni and Mangosini areas will benefit, while the Mkhazane and Thokoza communities in Ulundi municipality will also benefit."

Magwaza-Msibi said the district was working hard to source funding for its rural development programme.

"We are prepared to go all out to source funding, including overseas investors."

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