reliving pain at the grahamstown fest

THE Grahamstown National Arts Festival starts on Friday and, as always, many goodproductions will grace its stages.

THE Grahamstown National Arts Festival starts on Friday and, as always, many goodproductions will grace its stages.

One such play is Pain, written and directed by Maropeng Moholoa.

Maholoa believes his play, which has been billed for the festival's Fringe programme, has the potential to become a South African classic.

Pain was conceived and directed by the cast.

It was performed at Pentech (now Cape Peninsula University of Technology) on several occasions, during the Ikwezi Theatre Festival at the Baxter Theatre, Klein Libertas and at other venues between 2004 and 2007. Recently, it played at the University of Western Cape's Ithuba Festival.

See it from July 7 to 11 at the Library Hall. It is a South African story about three former comrades who come face to face for the last time. Can the greedy and dishonest commander Mzantsi get away with inflicting pain on his former soldiers? Can the battered, bruised and vengeful combatant Stagato let bygones be bygones, and can the ever-suffering survivor Maru keep quiet forever?

The cast is Chamuwari Ketano, Lesley Baloyi and Moholoa.

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