Retired cops 'not being paid their pensions'

Hundreds of police officers who retired recently are not being paid their pension money because the South African Police Service has not processed the necessary paperwork.

Hundreds of police officers who retired recently are not being paid their pension money because the South African Police Service has not processed the necessary paperwork.

In some cases, the delay takes as long as three years, the Democratic Alliance spokesperson Dianne Kohler-Barnard said in a statement yesterday.

Citing a source at the Public Protector's office, she said a total of 2000 former police members were experiencing the same problem.

This practice was harshly criticised by Public Protector Lawrence Mushwana in February this year.

Mushwana said his office had received complaints from public servants that the Pension Fund was "improperly" deducting money from their pensions. - Sapa

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