l Do not over-accessorise in the office - too much bling is unprofessional.

l Do not over-accessorise in the office - too much bling is unprofessional.

l Do not wear strappy sandals, tops and dresses to work. If you do wear a dress with straps, wear a jacket over it.

l No shouting colours.

l Avoid wearing shoes with very high heels that make walking difficult and uncomfortable.

l Sneakers and flip-flops are not appropriate in the workplace.

l Never cut your nails at your desk.

l Do not pick your nose, thinking that people are not watching.

l Do not pick your teeth during and after a meal.

l Chewing gum in the office is a big no-no.

l Do not answer your cellphone during a business meeting or lunch. Switch it off. It is not professional to answer a cellphone under these circumstances.

l Always say please and thank you.

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