'Obey strict laws on fireworks'

Mary Papayya

Mary Papayya

With Guy Fawkes night set to explode next Wednesday the police have issued a terse warning that those using fireworks should stick to what is legally permissible.

This after a 15-year-old boy suffered severe burn wounds when a firecracker exploded in his mouth.

He was one of several children injured during Diwali celebrations in Durban this week.

"Our members are on the lookout for all contraventions in terms of the Explosives Act and the Animal Protection Act," police spokesman Jay Naicker said.

He urged members of the public to report any contraventions in the use of fireworks.

The police were also monitoring sales outlets to ensure only approved fireworks were on sale.

"Displays of fireworks are also being monitored and anyone selling fireworks to under-age children will face prosecution."

A Voice for the Voiceless spokesman told Sowetan it was not only animals that were endangered by the indiscriminate use of explosives. People, particularly children, were at risk of being maimed for life.

"Using explosives near animals is cruel and inhumane, as they cause animals immense fear and stress."

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