Listen to the people

Thousands marched yesterday to protest against rising food, electricity and fuel prices.

Thousands marched yesterday to protest against rising food, electricity and fuel prices.

The economic meltdown, which economists deny is a recession, has hit everyone hard.

Many people have been forced to give up their cars and homes and to opt for a cheaper lifestyle.

Angry and concerned workers, belonging mostly to the Confederation of South African Trade Unions, want the government to be proactive in finding buffers against the hardship.

The marches was largely peaceful and we believe the marchers made their point. We hope the government will for once be sensitive to the concerns of its citizens.

It cannot continue to ignore the people while saddling them with crippling taxes and the expensive mistakes that have led to high electricity tariffs.

That said, we hope employers and the government will be sensitive to the fact that many people did not go to work because there was no transport.

There was also the deeprooted fear that those who ignored the call to stay away would be harmed. Many still remember the violent stayaways of the 70s and 80s.

Employers should keep this in mind instead of unilaterally applying the no-work-no-pay rule.

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