Caregivers honoured

Victor Mecoamere

Talented and selfless individuals who nurture children will be honoured in a series of Absa and Sowetan Early Childhood Development Awards functions.

Our other nation-building partners are SABC Education, the SA Congress for Early Childhood Development (ECD), Office of the Rights of the Child in the Presidency and the Department of Education. This project encourages the proper registration of crèches and the training of caregivers. The following were honoured:

l ECD Practitioners - North West's Magdeline Masuni, Sylvia Seoposengwe and EM Mlambo and Northern Cape's Florence Loojane, Magdeline Votjeka and Tebelelo Blom.

l Community-based ECD Centres - Northern Cape's Tswelelopele Day Care Centre, Little Light Pre-school and Duimpie Kleuterskool and North West's Kgatelopele Creche, Tokologo Early Learning Centre and Tiny Tots Early Learning Centre.

l Home-based ECD Centres - North West's Legae La Bana Creche and Northern Cape's Rachel Maletsatsi Creche and SK Sekgetho Creche.

l ECD Resources and Training Groups or Organisations - Northern Cape's Ebenezer Training House for ECD and the North West's Keletsong.

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