Giving is such a great blessing

HELPING HANDS: Solomon and Valeria Modabi with the bags of clothes and shoes. © Sowetan.
HELPING HANDS: Solomon and Valeria Modabi with the bags of clothes and shoes. © Sowetan.

Nthabisang Moreosele

Nthabisang Moreosele

Solomon and Valeria Modabi of Tshiawelo have donated about six bundles of clothing and shoes to Mama Angel.

Sowetan gave the clothes to Pimville Primary School.

The school is planning a big fete and bazaar to raise funds for its centenary celebrations in July, the month when Pimville Primary was established, and is organising a huge party in November.

The building needs tender loving care and there are also other changes the staff want to make.

Principal Mavis Mohoto says: "We do not have a library and want to improve a lot of things."

Mama Angel has bought toys and other goodies that will be sold and raffled at the bazaar.

Pimville Primary invites other centenary celebrants to join hands with the school to help it realise its dream.

The Modabis have six adult children who are married and have their own children.

MaModabi says: "We did not have much when our children were growing up. We learnt to do without a lot of things and this has had a profound effect on our children.

"Neighbours helped with hand-me-downs and in other ways to make life easier for us. Our children are now married and don't struggle as much as before.

"But they haven't forgotten the kindness of neighbours and strangers who helped us," she says.

Modabi says her children gave her the bags of clothes and shoes and asked her to give them to the poor.

"They wanted me to give the stuff to people who need them, just as we did in the past," she explains.

"I have 16 grandchildren so we have quite a tribe. There are two more grandchildren on the way. This makes for a lot of outgrown clothes."

Modabi says she saw a programme on Soweto TV in which people were given clothes.

"I thought of the bags and bags of clothing in the house and decided to call Sowetan to help me distribute them. I am glad that they will benefit people who need them," she said.

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