Happy ending to sorry tale of abandoned baby

Mhlaba Memela

Mhlaba Memela

The KwaZulu-Natal department of social development yesterday stepped in to ensure that the eight-month-old baby abandoned at a house in KwaMashu will be taken to a place of safety.

The baby was dumped by its mother at the home of Nombuso Ngubo, 21. Ngubo says she has been pushed from pillar to post in her bid to find the child a home.

On Tuesday, Ngubo was handcuffed and beaten up, allegedly by police. This was after she allegedly threatened to leave the child at the local police station because they had refused to help her on her third visit.

A court ruled that she should take the child to local social workers but they allegedly refused to help her.

Yesterday, Mandla Ngami, spokesman for the department of social development, expressed shock and said they were not aware of the case.

"We will address it with our regional office as soon as possible. We will ensure that the child is removed from that family.

"The child should be taken to a place where he will get help.

"We will order the social workers to fast-track the whole process," said Ngami.

He said that in such cases social workers had to try to track down the family or relatives of the child before taking the child to a place of safety. Police also have a responsibility to get a child to a place of safety if he or she happens to land in their hands first, Ngami added.

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