aphrodisiac feast

When planning a romantic evening, most people think of soft music, flowers and candlelight. However, most overlook the importance of romantic aphrodisiac foods.

When planning a romantic evening, most people think of soft music, flowers and candlelight. However, most overlook the importance of romantic aphrodisiac foods.

Throughout the ages, across many different cultures, certain foods have emerged with a reputation of being aphrodisiacs. The ancient Greeks, in the first century, have the first written record of foods having aphrodisiac properties. By the seventh century, Paul of Aegina gave more credence to foods and their powers.

Despite long-standing and popular interest in aphrodisiac foods throughout the centuries, across multiple cultures little to no scientific study has been done to confirm or deny the claims. Lacking scientific evidence, you will need to be the judge.

Create a romantic evening and make the romantic aphrodisiac dinner an event.

Serve it in courses, over the entire evening. Plan ahead and have it as much as possible made in advance so that you can also relax and enjoy the evening. Do something incredibly special for your lover, so that it may never be forgotten.

Serve an aphrodisiac dinner for two

Create an evening revolving around a menu of delicious aphrodisiac foods. It is important that you are both rested, and ready to enjoy a relaxed evening. Neither of you should be concerned about work, kids, phone calls, or needing to be somewhere by a specific time - the focus should be on each other, enjoying the "special" meal and soaking up the pleasures of the evening.

To appreciate the evening fully, consider serving the meal in courses - one course at a time over a two- or three-hour period.

This will give you lots of time to spend together and makes it easier for you to enjoy the evening and prepare the foods without pressure.

The food is more special if served gradually over the course of your special romantic evening.

Aphrodisiacs: asparagus, banana, avocados, sweet basil, chocolate, coffee, garlic, ginger, honey, oysters, pineapple, truffles, vanilla and wine.

Extend the invitation early

Create anticipation by extending the invitation for a very special romantic evening at least a week or 10 days in advance.

Planning in advance lets your partner know that they are special to you and that the evening you are planning for them is very special.

There is power in creating expectations. Just think about how much you looked forward to Christmas as a child.

This sense of anticipation should be created for your lover. They will feel loved and special, knowing that you are putting so much time and energy into an evening just for them.

Clean and sparkling is sexy

You should have a pristine home. Every room in the house should be spotless. Look at it with a new eye. Get rid of any clutter, add candles, natural scents, flowers etc to make the room in your home feel romantic and ready for your special evening.

Put fresh clean sheets on the bed, make sure the bathroom is sparkling, with towels and toiletries laid out for your lover. The kitchen and living areas should be clean and organised and should have some romantic touches as well.

Everything should be ready for your romantic evening at least a day ahead of time, so you are not rushing around stressed at the last minute.

Create the mood with romantic music and scented candles

Set your dining room table in advance, with your good china and crystal, and decorate the dining room, living room, and bedroom with candles and flowers. Put on your favourite romantic music and turn off the phones.

Greet your lover wearing something exotic and sexy

When the big day arrives, greet your lover at the door wearing something sexy - and, if possible, have something comfortable and sexy for them to slip into.

If not, you should let your lover know what the proper attire will be for your evening. You don't want them to show up in a sweatshirt and jeans for your special evening. - www.women's passions.com

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