Festive soccer tourneys start

Meshack Khotha

Meshack Khotha

All Nations will slug it out with Sputla Stars in the Cell C Festive Season tournament at KwaThema Sports Complex today.

Home Sweepers hope to collect maximum points when they meet Simunye.

Fixtures: Amasokolara v Eastvale United; Amajimbos v Cheese; Smiling Bees v Bafana S'thende.

l The Tuka Diski Games continue at Etwatwa Grounds in Daveyton today.

Fixtures: Brazil v Young Stars; Makang v Young Angels; Boca Junior v Argentina;

l In Vosloorus, the local Festive Soccer tournament kicks-off today at Ground C.

Fixtures: Disco Birds v Phezulu FC; Rockville United v Eastfield FC; Vaal X1 v City Stars; Chelsea v Jomo X1;

l Safa Soweto Discovery Walter Sisulu Soccer Challenge enters its third day at Safa Development Centre in Pimville today.

Fixtures: E1 v Happy Boys; Logos v Chiawelo Juventus; Pimville Young Stars v Zola Real Glasgow; Chiawelo Juventus v All Stars; P. Management v C4; and

l Four matches of the Kathorus Festival will be played at Botsotso Ground today.

Fixtures: Legends v Mighty Heroes; Real Madrid K1; New Jack City v United; Mountain Robbers v Bob City

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