Paralympic medalist gun for more glory

Ramatsiyi Moholoa

Ramatsiyi Moholoa

The Nebank South African Championships for the Physically Disabled will take place at Germiston Stadium from Sunday until April 8.

Competition is expected to be stiff during the eight-day championship as the event is one of the qualifiers for the Beijing Paralympics.

More than 600 athletes from 14 regions will take part in eight sports - including athletics, swimming, football, goalball, archery, cycling, bowls, powerlifting and boccia.

There will also be an added international flavour with athletes from Australia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Korea, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Slovakia, Sweden, Thailand, the United Arab Emirates and the US taking part.

Almost all the big names in South Africa will be on display, including the unstoppable Oscar Pistorius and Teboho Mokgalagadi.

Others include multiple Paralympic medallists Fanie Lombard, Zanele Situ, Malcolm Pringle, Hilton Langenhoven, Duane Strydom and Michael Louwrens. Pistorius will be running in the T44 400m as well as the 200m and 100m in the as the T43 disability category.

The 20-year-old broke his 200m world record of 21.97 seconds set at the Athens Paralympics during last year's championships in Bloemfontein.

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