Cops promise to clamp down on taverns

Canaan Mdletshe

Canaan Mdletshe

Police in KwaZulu-Natal have promised to clamp down on taverns after two patrons were shot at Chicago Tavern in Durban this week.

Senzo Javas Ndlovu, 29, died on the scene and his close friend, Khaya Dlamini, 30, is fighting for his life in Durban's Addington Hospital. Ndlovu and Dlamini were sitting outside the tavern when shots were fired at them, killing Ndlovu instantly.

Nothing was taken from the victims.

Police spokesman Superintendent Muzi Vilakazi said 15 9mm cartridges were found at the scene, which indicated that the assailants wanted to make sure that their targets died.

"Police are investigating the motive, but it is clear that the victims were not shot by mistake," said Vilakazi.

The incident comes barely four days after four people were gunned down in a tavern at Georgedale, in Mpumalanga, outside Durban.

Bulelani Ndokwana, 31, the owner of Mykonaz tavern, and Sthembiso Chili, 22, Ntokozo Chamane, 23, and Sibusiso Dlomo, 26, died after being attacked in what appeared to be a gang-related shooting.

Vilakazi said they would clamp down on all 24-hour taverns and shebeens.

"There seems to be a lot of things happening in those taverns. We will visit them and search them," he promised.

Last week police confiscated drugs at four clubs in Chatsworth near Durban.

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