PAC to dump culture of revenge

The PAC intends to reconstruct and reposition itself over the next five years.

The PAC intends to reconstruct and reposition itself over the next five years.

This emerged at the party's provincial congress in Zandspruit, Mpumalanga, on Saturday.

Themba Godi, deputy president of the PAC, said: "We are setting up a party with new values and norms. We are moving from a culture and mentality of revenge and deep grudges.

"The PAC is a party that must deal with issues affecting our people," Godi said.

He urged members to commit themselves to a PAC free of internal battles.

At a provincial convention in Polokwane on Sunday Letlapa Mphahlele, the party's president, urged members to prepare themselves and their communities for the 2009 provincial and national elections.

He said members should come up with programmes of action that would help their communities overcome poverty.

Mudini Maivha, the party's spokesman, said the PAC's women's wing would be revived and details of the party's reconstruction would be discussed at a party congress on Africa Freedom Day next year. - Sapa

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