Twitter has a field day with #ThingsThatJubJubDoesn'tKnow trend

South Africa has reacted with mixed emotions to Molemo ‘Jub Jub’ Maarohanye’s release on parole on Thursday.

The rapper was released from jail after serving four years of his eight-year sentence for culpable homicide.

Jub Jub and his co-accused Themba Tshabalala’s release has been a talking point across all social media platforms‚ with a raging debate brewing on their release.

While some expressed their opinions over the disgraced rapper’s release‚ others have started a trend to bring Jub Jub up to speed with what’s been happening while he was in jail.

From updates on the rebooted version of Generations to what cars are trendy — Twitter has Jub Jub covered.

Jub Jub and Themba were convicted of culpable homicide after crashing their cars into a group of school children in 2010. Four children were killed and two others were left brain damaged.


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