Mpho Maboi shades Diski Divas: Do you even know what is happening?

Mpho Maboi at the Gauteng Sports Awards. Photo: Tshepo Kekana
Mpho Maboi at the Gauteng Sports Awards. Photo: Tshepo Kekana

She might be dating a footballer but TV sports presenter Mpho Maboi is nothing like the typical footballer’s wife.

Mpho was recently on Gareth Cliff’s CliffCentral morning show where she lifted the lid on what it’s like to date a footballer.

“It’s like dating a DJ. It’s honestly not easy but I don’t care much for what he does‚” she said.

At least‚ as a sports presenter‚ she gets to share her passion with her bae. Something‚ that may not be said of other football wives.

“They don’t even know anything about it (football)!‚” she exclaimed.

She added to the shade by suggesting that some may only be interested in the gifts their bae gives them.

“It’s quite interesting because sometimes when you watch Diski Divas you like ‘But you guys hardly even go to the stadium. Do you even know what is happening? Or are you just content that he gets to buy you a bag?” Mpho said.

Mpho said that it helps to be in the same industry and circles as her man because she don’t just assume that he is off with girls when he is actually training or heading to a match.

“I know exactly where he is going. His coach knows me. Although I try to separate the two. His work is his work and my work is my work‚” she added.

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