SABC's 90% local content quota is here for life: Hlaudi Motsoeneng

The decision to introduce a 90% local content quota at the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) is here to stay and will not be scrapped after three months as previously suggested.

This is according to the SABC chief operating officer Hlaudi Motsoeneng who said that there was a huge misunderstanding.

"People are talking about three months, I don't know where three months is coming from, 90% is for life," said Motsoeneng.

He said that the corporations' spokesperson Kaizer Kganyago was misunderstood when he said that they will review their progress after every three months.

"And I need to explain where this three months comes from, it comes from Kaizer, and let me tell you, when Kaizer was explaining to media they did not understand him. What he was referring to is, quarterly review all programs.

"So we are going to review music, we are going to review our own programmes within the organisation, we review, after three months we revisit our performance that is what is going to happen, 90% will be there," explained Motsoeneng.

Speaking at The New Age Business Breakfast in Sandton, Motsoeneng said that the decision to play 90% local content was inspired by the idea of promoting our own.

"You know, the Americans, they have build themselves as if they are better than anyone around the world. We need to make sure that we build South Africa as a better South Africa around the world and believe in ourselves.

"The problem we as South Africans, we like to copy, you know I have been talking to the SABC team when I arrived in 2011, everybody we are going to benchmark with the BBC, and then I asked the question 'when is the BBC going to benchmark with SABC? Use SABC? Because immediately when you allow that, which means you are not thinking you don't have vision, you don't have strategy. you are just a person and we can't have such leaders. So we need people who are thinkers," he said.

Motsoeneng said that they will start by revamping the SABC 3 content as most of it is outdated.

"It is not (just) about the artists, we are going to revamp your SABC 3 first. If you look at SABC, all those movies are old, I grew up watching those movies, even today some of them," he said.

"But if you look in that industry of content, even if people are producing new content, you wait for Multichoice for example to play those movies on their platform, for us we are given after two years. Then I said, 'we have film makers here in South Africa, why can't we create our own soapies, our own movies? Because we have people in South Africa.'"

Motsoeneng said he acknowledged that people often say that he has lost his mind, something he does not mind.

"I have been saying to our own colleagues, actually because sometimes people believe that I am mad, which is good sometimes you need to be mad so that you can deliver."

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